For those of you who remember, in 2016 the DOL created quite a stir by proposing a raise to the salary test for overtime exemption. The raise was quite high, more than 2x the current rate, and caused many companies to seriously reevaluate whether they needed to raise salaries to meet this new standard or reclassify employees as non-exempt (meaning they must be paid overtime). The new salary threshold that will go into effect January 1, 2020 is…

Last month Beth presented at the IFDA Distribution Solutions Conference in Orlando, Florida. Her presentation addressed the current state of truck driver pay within the context of Total Rewards, as well as creative non-monetary options to keep your company and incentive plans ahead of the curve. Check out the video to learn more!

Many industries have gone through or are going through a shift from a 100% commission model to a salary + commission or salary + bonus approach for their sales reps. The latest industry to feel this shake up is Food & Beverage Shipping and Distribution (F&B) as more and more of the big players have incorporated or are considering incorporating some kind of salary component to their sales compensation plan. The final part of this 3 part series continues to explore the unintended consequences the 100% commission model has had on the F&B industry, as well as how to correct them.

Many industries have gone through or are going through a shift from a 100% commission model to a salary + commission or salary + bonus approach for their sales reps. The latest industry to feel this shake up is Food & Beverage Shipping and Distribution (F&B) as more and more of the big players have incorporated or are considering incorporating some kind of salary component to their sales compensation plan. Part 2 of this 3 part series continues to explore the unintended consequences the 100% commission model has had on the F&B industry, as well as how to correct them.

Many industries have gone through or are going through a shift from a 100% commission model to a salary + commission or salary + bonus approach for their sales reps. The latest industry to feel this shake up is Food & Beverage Shipping and Distribution (F&B) as more and more of the big players have incorporated or are considering incorporating some kind of salary component to their sales compensation plan. This 3 part series explores the unintended consequences the 100% commission model has had on the F&B industry, as well as how to correct them.

Many trucking companies use incentive plans for their sales reps and recruiters and the trend is toward increased use of pay for performance programs for drivers, driver managers and other roles throughout the company.  This article will provide the four rules for ensuring your plans provide the right balance between motivation and business results.

Developing compensation plans for an organization is a bit like cooking up a gourmet meal for a group of people with very particular tastes. Some people might like their meal spicier with more exotic ingredients; while others are strictly “meat and potatoes” folks who like to keep things simple and straight-forward.

Creating a great incentive plan is not as easy as many people initially think. With the guidance of compensation expert, Beth Carroll, this 4 part guide will walk you through best practices for creating a great incentive plan while avoiding many of the common pitfalls.

This is a good and welcome change as straight commissions provide ZERO flexibility to deal with fluctuations in the economy, types of accounts, or capacity crunches that create higher freight rates.  On a straight commission, the payout is the same percentage, regardless of the CAUSE of the volume increase.  Using a tiered approach…

On November 6th, Beth Carroll presented at the TIA Technovations Showcase. Check out the video here. During her presentation she discussed the benefits of using the MeasureUp compensation survey, recent updates and best practices. Beth also walked attendees through the search process and how to refine their searches for the best results.

Should I pay support roles incentive? The answer is a very qualified “yes.”  Incentive pay CAN be good for these roles but it is different in relative amount and in the nature of how it is calculated and delivered. 

At the recent TIA conference, I was asked many times how my business is going.  Many of you have known me from nearly the start and I’m always touched by the genuine interest and support so many of you give.  I explained to some of you that I’ve been doing more work with driver pay, and more than once I was met with a bit of a puzzled look and the question…”aren’t they just paid by the mile?  How hard could it be to raise that a penny (or five)?”