The Economics of Sales Commissions for Freight Brokers: Part 1 - 3PL Perspectives

This months issue of 3PL Perspectives has the awesome first installment in a series of articles written by Beth Carroll. This first part addresses the economics of sales commissions for freight brokers and the full article can be found by following the link after the excerpt.

“When it comes to sales compensation plans, people tend to "know what they know." And because of this myopia, they also don’t know what they don’t know—failing to recognize the different approaches to calculating sales commissions that may be available to them. For this column, I’m going to focus specifically on sales commissions (that is, paying an incentive that’s a percentage of revenue or gross margin) rather than goal-based incentives, banks, bounties, or any number of other perfectly viable methods that exist for paying sales compensation.” Click here to read the full article.

Compensation for Trucking Companies: An Introduction - Truckload Authority

2019 MeasureUp® Freight Broker Compensation Survey is NOW OPEN